Advocates' Webinar(s)

On Wednesday, 25.Okt, I attended  Advocates for the West’s Voices for the West webinar titled, Pillars of Conservation: Advocacy, Litigation, and Public Education.

It's always inspiring to see the committment and energy of these folks.

This meeting included Mark Salvo from Oregon Natural Desert Association and Advocates' senior attorney, Todd Tucci.

A recording of the webinar can be accessed on Advocates' YouTube Channel, along with previous Voices for the West programs.

It's hoped you'll share this latest program with your friends, family, and whomever you think might appreciate their work.

If you're interested in supporting the groups involved in this week’s webinar, you can find more information at the following links: 

Advocates for the West

Oregon Natural Desert Association

Also, the October 2022 Voices for the West webinar focused on the study "Livestock Use on Public Lands in the Western USA Exacerbates Climate Change: Implications for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation" with co-author Marc Liverman, and which was referenced during last night's program, can be found here

Thanks again for joining us! We look forward to seeing you at our next Voices for the West webinar in December. For details on upcoming events, or to receive updates on our work, you may sign up here

With heart for the West,


Will Shoemaker | he/him/his
Communications & Engagement Director
Advocates for the West
O: 208.801.7523
C: 970.275.2227

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